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Sober Living in Anaheim, Orange County, California, Sober Living Home, Near Me

For Residential Sober Living in Anaheim, Orange County, California, Choose Better Days

Recovering from substance abuse isn’t something that can happen overnight. Rather, doing so will require you to work diligently towards the sober lifestyle that you envision for yourself. There are many different treatments that can help you do this.

Sober living homes are one such option. They’re perfect for people who are ready to begin transitioning their recovery out of structured rehab and into the real world. If you’re ready for that, then keep reading.

Below, you’ll learn everything that you need to know about sober living homes. We’ll also let you know what makes Better Days’ sober living options so beneficial.

Or, if you’re ready to begin the admissions process now, you can easily do so by giving us a call at (844) 991-3135.

What is a sober living home? Sober Living in Anaheim, Orange County, California,

Sober living homes are also sometimes called halfway homes. They serve as a kind of link between inpatient treatment and the real world.

Rehab is a highly structured setting, in which your daily activities are usually planned for you. This can be very helpful to people who are in recovery because it keeps them busy and limits the amount of time they have to think about their substance of choice.

But eventually, someone who is in recovery needs to transition out of this highly structured setting and into an environment that’s a closer replication of their daily life. Sober living homes accomplish this.

Many people find that transitioning directly from an inpatient facility to their home is too big of a shock to their recovery. Sober living homes offer a nice in-between option. They provide some structure but also offer their residents the freedom to work, see their friends, and do just about anything else that they want.

Who stays in sober living homes in Anaheim, Orange County, California,?

Sober living homes are for patients who are in the third stage of their recovery. Before signing up for one, you should have already completed both the detox and rehab phases of your care.

It’s best to move into a sober living home directly after you’ve completed your inpatient rehab. The longer you wait to move into one, the more likely you are to struggle with cravings in an unstructured setting that provides zero protection against relapse.

Sober living homes help patients who are struggling with all different types of addictions. When staying in one, you’re likely to meet people who were addicted to alcohol, opioids, cocaine, and many other types of substances.

What guidelines do sober living homes have in Anaheim, Orange County, California,?

The exact rules of a sober living home will vary based on the company that runs it. But there are generally two major rules that you’ll need to follow. The first is rather obvious: you won’t be able to use any drugs or alcohol during your stay at a sober living home. This is enforced through regular and random drug tests.

The second major rule of sober living homes is their curfews. Virtually all homes have a set hour of the night by which you must return home from the evening’s activities. How late you’re able to stay out will vary based on where you’re staying.

There are other rules you may need to follow, too. These could include:

  • Mandatory house meetings
  • Chores you must complete
  • No overnight guests
  • Respect other housemates and staff
  • And more
How long will I stay in a sober living home in Anaheim, Orange County, California,?

This will depend on you. There’s no way of knowing in advance how you will respond to life in your sober living home. You may complete the average length of stay and decide that you’d like to stay a little longer if you’re enjoying the structure of it. Or, you might feel that you’re ready to transition back to your old life faster than the average resident.

Ultimately, the average length of stay in a sober living home is between 166 and 254 days. So plan on spending about that long in the facility that you choose.

What are the benefits of sober living homes in Anaheim, Orange County, California?

Sober living homes improve your chances of staying sober. They put you back into the daily rhythm of your life while also instilling you with healthy habits. Through this process, sober living homes reduce the risk of relapse, helping you to continue making progress towards your long-term recovery goals.

There are other things that a sober living home can help you with as well. These include:

  • Finding a job
  • Making amends with friends and family members
  • Finding housing after your stay in the sober living home ends
  • Adjusting your recovery to a more unstructured environment
  • And much more

What makes Better Days’ sober living homes different? Best Sober Living Programs in Anaheim, Orange County, California

If you think that a sober living home is right for you, then Better Days can help. We provide class sober living environments in beautiful Southern California. Our facilities are calm, peaceful, and designed especially with your comfort in mind.

We take full advantage of our beautiful location. During your stay with us, you’ll get to participate in a variety of activities that give you the chance to explore SoCal and its surrounding areas. Through these activities, you’ll get to bond with the other residents that you’re staying with. You’ll make lifelong friends and develop social connections that will support your continued recovery.

You’ll also get to work with highly-skilled therapists during your stay in our sober living facility. They’ll help you understand and respond to the various challenges that emerge as you transition your recovery out of rehab. It’s another way that we’re making staying in a sober living home better for our patients.

How can I learn more about Sober Living in Anaheim, Orange County, California?

Are you ready to learn more about what sober living homes can do for your recovery? If so, get in touch with an addiction specialist at Better Days in California & Anaheim today. They can answer your questions and provide personalized recommendations about what would be best for the next phase of your healing process. Please give us a call today at our rehab in




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